I can’t quite put my finger on it. What makes life in this 300SF enclosure so appealing. I measured… 300SF give or take. WOW, didn’t realize the Lark was that compact…with 3 side sliders out. And it holds all of lifes necessities. Some reference, my kitchen at home is larger. Well, OK, I don’t have a washer/dryer,…golf clubs are stored in the shower. In 6 SF I have a complete kitchen, which includes a barrister area for Ed’s coffee making and an induction top for all options of sauté. I have a baking oven that never fails me and a microwave for everything else. We have a bedroom with queen bed and room to store 4 months worth of clothes, of various seasonal choices and sports. (and my shoes).

Maybe it is the “view”. We almost always have a magnificent view of the wilds. Be it pole pines or palms or lake or ocean or bay. It changes on a regular basis, anything we want to choose. There goes an armadillo by my window. Did you know armadillos carry leprosy? I had to ask Seri how to spell leprosy….not in current spell check. Anyway, don’t touch armadillos.
Every day you see the sun rise and the sun set. You begin to live by that. Time is so unimportant. An interesting phenomenon for me. I tend to be a “never late” person…there is no late here on the road. Just “let’s do that next” sort of planning.

Quiet…quiet is everywhere, mostly. The nights are black with stars and quiet. Sounds during the day are the swish of pine needles up high, the lap of water on the shore and the sounds of birds. Well, that works for us. We lay (or lie) never sure which…in bed at night listening for the beautiful sounds of owls. Carolina chickadees wake us in the mornings. Ed can hardly wait for breakfast before grabbing cameras and bins and heading out to explore. Do what you love, love what you do.
All the while, a small hum of another life is in the background. At least in my back round, I’m not sure Ed hears it anymore. I still switch back and forth. I work a few hours everyday, RE clients and inventory. Family, friends, emails, conversations, taxes and bills to pay and laundry.
Then I cross over into Lark life. Long walks, hikes and bike rides. The shadow of a vulture between me and the sun. Sand in my toes. Mosquito spray and sun block my perfume. Looking through my lens. Finding a “lifer”. Picking up a shell. A crackling camp fire on a chilly night. Eze curled up in my lap. Wondering if Ed will return….. only hunger brings him out of the wild places.
I am beginning to understand those who live permanently on the road in RV’s. I think they have no hum of another life to contend with. Life is today, simple and quiet and in touch with nature.
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