Friday, March 13, 2015

March 8, 2015 ANTS......

We all know if you read something on the internet it is true.  Of Course.  When we make a move in the Lark, we use Merlin the GPS and the internet for information.  Maeher State Park looked good, several camper friends said it was nice with good water views. The only downside was some highway noise across the bay.
The internet, however, reported several campers complaining about ants; "don't forget your ant spray".  Nobody said what kind of ants, where the ants were to be founds, etc.  Didn't sound too dangerous and we were only spending one night, our last on Mobile Bay.

The sites were quite nice, with wonderful water views. The 75degree weather and sunny afternoon looked promising. We also enjoyed having our own sewer. No dumping needed. Without too much detail, it is like having public sewer to the Lark vs a septic tank.

I carefully looked down for "red ants", the biting southern kind as we disembarked. No ants found.  Fifteen minutes after we arrived a large trailer pulled in and the driver casually came over to ask: "any ants yet?"  What??  Told him we were only here 15 minutes before them.  He said,  "had ants coming into the trailer last year and they had ant spray if we needed it."  We never saw an ant.  

Pulling out of the site the next morning Ed had a funny smirky look on his face.  He turned to me as we drove off, "the ants were coming...sure enough. They were up to the electric box and swarming.  They didn't seem to have come up the electric cable into the Lark." our next stop the tiniest ants were marching IN the Lark to Eze's food dish and the kitchen sink. It appears ants have been around a lot longer than humans and are very resourceful!!

Always pack ant spray!

North End of Mobile Bay

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