Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1. 2015 March Already???

Last November we talked about leaving Ohio  for Florida mid-December and not returning until March 15! 3 whole months away from home?  Could we really be away from home so long? Will we have a great adventure?  Will it be the worst thing we have ever done?  Can all 3 of us survive in the Lark for all those days?  I guess, looking back, it would not have been an adventure if we didn't have all of these questions.


If you have read my blog since I started, you already know it has been quite an adventure and we weren't even homesick !  We have had great times and will never forget our trip. For Sure.


Eze has been a trouper. We did not know how Eze would do  living in a 30ft motorhome for a relatively long time. Remember cat lives, like dog lives are shorter than our own.  I have to say everything was pretty good until this morning for Eze.

 We were expecting a nice spring day, high in the 60's with sun. Since we had some rainy cold weather we were looking forward to a Sunday outdoors.  Eze woke us at the usual 6AM and Ed got up feed him and came back to bed. Normally Eze jumps back in to snuggle after his breakfast.  Went back to sleep and didn't miss him.

We were awakened to our ferry boat (we sit right next to the harbor) 3 blasts as he left the harbor for Gulf Shores.  Then a fog horn.. Ed said "forgot to tell you, really foggy out and chilly and good morning to sleep in."  The fog horn continued every few minutes as the ferry crossed the bay and finally disappeared into the fog.  I thought it was romantic, like waking on the Cape or Eastern Shore.

Eze thought, apparently, it signified doom.  He has one private spot that on a rare occasion he "hides".  Under the couch. He hid once when we were away, presumed it was a deer that came close to the rig.  Eze never saw one so close before and they (the deer) were grazing close by when we arrived back.

We don't know what it was about the fog horn....decibels, vibration who knows.  Eze stayed under the couch and would not  come out for several hours. Then he went window to window to see if it was attacking us. Not even treats would deter him from defending the Lark. It was funny, but we felt bad for him.  He has given us much enjoyment on this trip and we didn't want to see him so upset.

One thing we know about Abby memories...they are long... I know if the ferry returns with the fog horn, he will be back under the couch. So far, so good....the fog has not lifted, however the ferry has not returned either. Eze is now curled up with me while I am writing.  What a morning!


Ed was getting "house bound" and I was watching cooking shows, so off he went birding in the foggy wet morning.  Came back shortly for the camera. Sure enough he had the special moment of spotting a  wilson's snipe*   in the marsh.  If you are a birder that is a pretty big deal.  He's off with the camera and I hope to see him back with his picture of the snipe sometime today! Or tomorrow, or the middle of next week.

*Footnote:  Snipes are real birds, not something you went hunting for at night with your teenage love.

This is a Wilson's Snipe in case Ed doesn't get a shot!

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