Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Lark rolls out for the Greatest Week In American Birding Festival May 2016

                          Claire                Ed                  Mike             Linda         Dave  We are members....Learn about if you RV!

UTube about Harvest Hosts

Our traditional week at the Bird Festival was special this year.  Not because the birds were different (although there was a Lifer Whip-poor-will ), but because we met up  with Dave and Linda and Mike and Claire. We camped at Maumee State Park with  our two favorite Canadian friends from London, Ontario, Canada that we met on Dauphin Island, Alabama. Small world.

We had not seen Dave and Linda since winter on Dauphin, 2014-2015 and spent time with Mike and Claire this past winter season on Dauphin Island.  They both tow  beautiful Airstream trailers (made in Ohio)......

Linda and Claire have become birders and both purchased their first serious binoculars at the show.  Mike and Ed got 18 holes in at Maumee GC.  We shared dinner prep and hosting, so ate very well, all of us being foodies! Some wine, beers  and margaritas too! What fun!

The weather was not perfect, but never is in early May on Lake Erie.  We got plenty of birding in and added the Whip-poor-will to our Life list.  Ed got some great pictures of warblers and added the Pine Siskin and the Night Hawk to our 1000 greatest bird pictures.

Night Hawk
Pine Siskin

My friend Sandy joined us on the Boardwalk at Magee, having come up with a group from Cleveland.  All had amazing views of warblers and various other sightings.  Sandy was lucky enough to see the Curlew Sandpiper at another sight.  A rarity in any part of the US, this bird is found in the tundra of Canada.  We knew we couldn't park The Lark to see this bird out in a farmers field. :(
It was a Lifer we just hated to miss seeing!  We  hope another opportunity will come along. You never know.

Claire shows promise as a "birder"
I think it is safe to say, all had an amazing time at the Bird Festival.  Mike and Claire  headed home, Dave and Linda rolled out for Eastern Pa to visit friends.  We left the boardwalk on Saturday morning with a traditional stop at Jolly Roger in Port Clinton  for fresh Lake Erie Perch for brunch.  Eze as always,  birded with us.

Dave "not so much" birder

There was talk of a trip to Northern  Ontario in early fall to see the Northern Lights!  Our Canadians say they know a good high elevation spot to camp and see the Aurora.  On my bucket list..hope we can pull it off.

 What a truly delightful week with the birds and our friends!

If your are reading this, Raven and Chickadee... plan on joining us next Spring... love to show you a great time at Magee Marsh and the Warbler migration.


We came home to give a helping hand to a migrating female Tennessee Warbler in our Courtyard!
