Friday, March 25, 2016

April 2016 Bird List (continued) Audubon Dauphin Island

I Wanted to wait until April 1st to continue  the list of species on Dauphin Island.  But I just can't wait.

We had 100 yesterday with the hooded warbler.

Last evening we had a typical nasty rain and thunderstorm over the Mississippi Sound. The kids from N. California thought it was great!  They rarely get a thunderstorm.  Wind driven rain raised our marsh noticiably in three hours. That was when Jason saw the Clapper Rail.

Evidently it also drove in the birds coming across the Gulf.

This AM birds started to be seen everywhere.  

First at the Oyster Mounds (ancient) we met some serious birders.  The word was that a worm-eating warbler was there and an Orange-crowned Warbler was also  there.   Both birds NOT on our life list.
I had to remind Ed we only see our children several times a year and we needed to move as they wanted to see our campground, the Audubon Trail and get to the beach for one last afternoon.

For Ed a serious sacrifice, which  he indeed made.

Then as soon as the kids headed for the beach, he was out the door....

LIFER  Yellow-Throated Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler
Hundreds of Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds
Palm Wabler

Hooded Warbler


All of these birds were within 2 blocks of our rental and within 1 block of each other.
Simply amazing.  Ed got great shots!

Hooded Warbler

Northern Parula
LIFER   Worm-eating Warbler 
Blue-Headed Vireo
Black and White Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Eastern Kingbird

Prothonotary Warbler
Yellow Throated Warbler
#110  Species on Dauphin Island since Feb. 

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker

Oven Bird
Orchard Oriole
Indigo Bunting


LIFER:   Vermilion Flycatcher

This bird has only been to the Island
a couple of times...ever....Texas migration.
A really really special list bird for us.

LIFER:  Pine Siskin
This bird is seen often in Ohio, but never
has made our list.  Glad to get it here!


We never found the Orange Crowned Warbler

Vermilion Flycatcher

Pine Siskin

Wood Thrush
Scarlet Tanager
Summer Tanager
Yellow-Crowned  Night Heron
White Throated Sparrow


Yellow-Crowned Night Heron

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker

Northern Parula

Not the best picture of the Worm-Eater Warbler
We will do better....he moves fast!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Be Warned: Children and Granddaughters at Blue Fish....unless you are related.....

Blue Fish Beach House on Dauphin Island

A Tween !!
Beach Babies

Feeding the Gulls

Sea Museum on Island

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Lifer Kind of a Day! 3/17/2016 St. Pat's Day White - Winged Doves

White-Winged Doves

Located at Audubon Marsh Observation Platform

Mated Pair of Mottled Ducks
Ed captured these on the Marsh today also

Bellingrath Gardens and Home

March 15, 2016

Bellingrath Gardens and Home:  located just west of Dauphin Island on the mainland and just east of  Bayou Le Batre.  Which is next to nowhere.... Seems an original Coke bottler in Mobile bought an old fish camp in the Batre and built himself one large country home and planted azaleas like they were going out of style.   The great lawn reminded us all of "The Masters" in April.

We had the delightful company of Mike and Claire Bellamy from London, Ont.  They are friends of our other friends from London, that we met last year here in Camp Dauphin.  If you are following, we know have 4 friends from London, Ont.  :)

We spent an afternoon walking the gardens.  Beautiful plantings and an exceptional Asian garden.

Enjoy some pictures of our "day trip".

Claire wants Mike to built her this bridge in her garden at home!
Azaleas  amid  Bamboo
Acres of Gardens, ponds and Lakes and don't forget Marsh!
Veggies in the Spring Garden
Azaleas:  Don't you love them!

Mike and Claire
Spring is here in the Bayou
Mr. Ed spotted a Northern Parula Warbler: of course he did......

"The Masters"  Right around the corner

What is this??????  Love the colors

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Glamping Mornings

February 15, 2016

I love mornings in the Lark….especially if  we are in Alabama in February.  Winter seems to be Jan. and Feb. here.  But midway through February spring mornings begin to make their appearance.  

This morning, I awoke to the birds singing and the window open an inch, as the night temps did not fall much.  Spring air wafting across your face is a very delightful way to open your eyes.  Of course Eze was also curled up next to my head to have his nose on the open screen.  So we both enjoyed the breeze together.

I could see fog over the dock and knew the ferry was not running as the blast of the horn and turn of the big power houses had not begun.  Humid and soft air: the sun just striking a few clouds on the early morning horizon. 

Even Eze who is always more in tune with eating breakfast than enjoying the moment, sat with me purring.  Ed was in the galley preparing fresh coffee and the aroma was overtaking me.  Grabbing a  cuddly wrap and boiled wool slip ons, this was going to be a great day.

I wanted to blog and the idea of getting up in the morning “camping” vs “glamping” came to mind.  

Oh those camping mornings.  If it was a good morning, it wouldn’t have rained over night.  The tarp would have keep all the moisture from coming in even on a dry night.  Of course the tarp also covered up all the beautiful skylights and screened windows of the tent. A balmy night becomes a suffocating night.  

Sleeping 6 inches or less from the ground, getting up is a trick.  So is getting out of ones sleep clothes into the nearest appropriate  camp wear.  You always feel you have to crouch down in a tent even if the center is adult high.  And there is no place to lean, as the first  foot needs to go into your jeans.

Next delight is how to get to the bathhouse.  Do you wear something smokey from the last evening fire pit…or do you choice something fresh, but you still smell like smoke from the fire pit?  Doesn’t really matter, you begin to smell like fire pit by breakfast anyway.

Sweaters on your teeth and the thought of brushing in public….well, just not good.

So know my readers, mornings in an RV are always much better.  Fresh linens and cozy bed, a private bath and you get to choose if you want a fire in the fire pit.  Coffee and breakfast just like at home.  Same beach, same woods, same wonderful camp experience but none of the “camping” just “glamping” comforts.

March 2016 Bird List Audubon Dauphin Island

March 2016 Dauphin Island Bird List (Cont from Feb. 2016 list)

Solitary Sandpiper
Pied Billed Grebe
Blue Winged Teal
Red Shouldered Hawk
Black Skimmer
Downy Woodpecker
Red-cocaded Woodpecker
American Goldfinch

Red-Cocaded Woodpecker
Piping Plover
Least Sandpiper
Song Sparrow
Green Heron
Little Blue Heron
Hermit Thrush
House Finch
White Winged Doves  LIFER
Great White Egret
Mottled Duck
White Pelican
White Winged Dove LIFER

Pouring rain all day 3/19/2016
Louisiana Waterthrush in our camp site!

 migration on!

Western End of Dauphin Island... Blue Fish Beach House on Mississippi Sound.

 Ruby Throated Hummer in Mobile...3/21/2016

Lark Sparrow LIFER. Off deck Blue Dolphin Beach House. 3/22/201

Tri-Colored Heron
Barn Swallow
Ruddy Duck

Clapper Rail  -  heard in the marsh but not seen!  LIFER  Jason finds Clapper from top deck of beach  house with scope.  He is king Birder for the day!

Hooded Warbler... migration is exciting.

#99  Hooded Warbler

Common Loon

Scissor-Tailed Kite

Many Faces of the Green Heron

February 2016 Audubon Bird List Dauphin Island

February 2016 Dauphin Island Bird List

Common Loon
Horned Grebe
Northern Gannet
Brown Pelican
Double Crest   Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Pine Warbler
Snowy Egret
Reddish Egret
Mallard Duck
Red Headed Duck
Pine Warbler
Greater Scaup
Swallow- Tailed Kite
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Black Bellied Plover
Snowy Plover
Semipalmated Plover
American Oystercatcher
Ruddy Turnstone
Short  Billed Dowitcher
Laughing Gull
Boneparte’s Gull
Ring Billed Gull
Herring Gull
Caspian Tern
Royal Tern
Foresters Tern
Morning Dove
Eurasian Collared Dove
Great Horned Owl
Snowy Plover
Belted Kingfisher
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Red Cockaded Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Eastern Phoebe
Blue Jay
American crow
Fish Crow
Carolina Chickadee
Brown Headed Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-grey gnatcatcher
American Robin
Eastern Bluebird
Eastern Blue Bird
Grey Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Blue-headed Vireo
Yellow-Dumped Warbler
Pine Warbler
Northern Cardinal
House Sparrow
American Goldfinch
Eastern Towhee
American Tree Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed cowbird
Black Skimmer