I Wanted to wait until April 1st to continue the list of species on Dauphin Island. But I just can't wait.
We had 100 yesterday with the hooded warbler.
Last evening we had a typical nasty rain and thunderstorm over the Mississippi Sound. The kids from N. California thought it was great! They rarely get a thunderstorm. Wind driven rain raised our marsh noticiably in three hours. That was when Jason saw the Clapper Rail.
Evidently it also drove in the birds coming across the Gulf.
This AM birds started to be seen everywhere.
First at the Oyster Mounds (ancient) we met some serious birders. The word was that a worm-eating warbler was there and an Orange-crowned Warbler was also there. Both birds NOT on our life list.
I had to remind Ed we only see our children several times a year and we needed to move as they wanted to see our campground, the Audubon Trail and get to the beach for one last afternoon.
For Ed a serious sacrifice, which he indeed made.
Then as soon as the kids headed for the beach, he was out the door....
LIFER Yellow-Throated Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Hundreds of Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds
Palm Wabler
Hooded Warbler
All of these birds were within 2 blocks of our rental and within 1 block of each other.
Simply amazing. Ed got great shots!
Hooded Warbler |
LIFER Worm-eating Warbler
Blue-Headed Vireo
Black and White Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Eastern Kingbird
Prothonotary Warbler |
Yellow Throated Warbler |
#110 Species on Dauphin Island since Feb.
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
Oven Bird
Orchard Oriole
Indigo Bunting
LIFER: Vermilion Flycatcher
This bird has only been to the Island
a couple of times...ever....Texas migration.
A really really special list bird for us.
LIFER: Pine Siskin
This bird is seen often in Ohio, but never
has made our list. Glad to get it here!
We never found the Orange Crowned Warbler
Wood Thrush
Scarlet Tanager
Summer Tanager
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
White Throated Sparrow
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
Oven Bird
Orchard Oriole
Indigo Bunting
LIFER: Vermilion Flycatcher
This bird has only been to the Island
a couple of times...ever....Texas migration.
A really really special list bird for us.
LIFER: Pine Siskin
This bird is seen often in Ohio, but never
has made our list. Glad to get it here!
We never found the Orange Crowned Warbler
Vermilion Flycatcher |
Pine Siskin |
Wood Thrush
Scarlet Tanager
Summer Tanager
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
White Throated Sparrow
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron |
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker |
Not the best picture of the Worm-Eater Warbler We will do better....he moves fast! |