This is a true story:
Last week Ed was out on the trail in the Audubon Acreage next to where we are camped in the Lark. As often happens, he encountered two men out birding. They were locals, knew the area and shared their knowledge.
One of the men offered Ed his pick up truck (everyone in Alabama has one or two) to use to explore the area and see more birds. Now this was a man Ed had never met before and we were of course strangers to him. It was such a kind offer and Ed shared the story with me when he arrived back at camp. It was the kind of a thing that is meant to be remembered but not acted upon.
That's what I thought. This afternoon Ed was out birding and I was "home" with Eze on the computer. A very nice silver pick up truck pulls into our space and a tall older gentlemen gets out and comes to my door.
Now, I'm from the big city and don't open my door to every person. And, of course, I only know about 4 people in all of Alabama. He was shy about coming to the door and waited politely until I came out of the van. Southern courtesy and manners. He told me he had met Ed out birding and offered him his pick up truck. He came by to leave his phone and card and let us know he has multiple vehicles on the island and really meant we should borrow his truck and see more of the surrounding coast. Not only is he a birder, but a Realtor besides!
I can't wait to share with Ed upon his return. Tempted to borrow his truck as we have been in the Lark for almost 3 months now and a little road trip for a few hours would be fun . I'll let you know.
We have invited at least six couples to stay at our home in Cleveland for the Spring migration at Magee Marsh ... I guess you can always pay a kindness forward.
A Walk through the Audubon this AM
Peregrine Falcon |
Carolina Wren |
Southern Mockingbird Dancing |